• Netiquettes.
• Software licenses and the open source software movement.
• Intellectual property rights, plagiarism
and digital property rights.
• Freedom of information and the digital divide.
• E-commerce: Privacy, fraud, secure data transmission.
• Software licenses and the open source software movement.
Open-source software (OSS) is computer software that is
released under a license in which the copyright holder grants
users the rights to use, study, change, and distribute the
software and its source code to anyone and for any purpose.
Open-source software may be developed in a
collaborative, public manner.
• Intellectual property rights, plagiarism and digital property rights.
IPRs legally protect the rights of the author or
creator (innovator) who have transformed his ideas into property.
In other words, legal rights are provided to stop
others particularly pirates, imitators from taking credit of
the original creator.
• Freedom of information and the digital divide.
First of all, the concept comes to us with the end
Universal Declaration on Human Rights. In Article 19, the
Declaration deals with Freedom of Expression. Within the article it makes it clear that this includes
both Freedom of Opinion (logically a right that precedes expression and makes it possible) and Freedom of Access
to Information (which follows from freedom of opinion and expression).
What it says is that
freedom of expression includes the right to seek, receive and impar information and
ideas, t h r o u g h a n y m e d i a a n d r e g a r d l e s s o f frontiers. These words make it possible to think of Article 19
as a rationale for library and information work of all kinds. Library users seek information and ideas: librarians s e e k o n
t h e u s e r s ’ b e h a l f . U n r e s t r i c t e d r e c e i v i n g o f i n f o r m a t i o n a n d i d e a s a r e a necessary consequence
of that seeking if it is to have any point at all. For the librarian to be able to impart information, and for the user
to be able to disseminate it further are also essential aspects of the work of information professionals.
• E-commerce: Privacy, fraud, secure data transmission.
The privacy in E- commerce is the protection of privacy of the parties involved in trading through e-commerce. While
trading in e-commerce people are disclosing their personal information and those information are being generated and
reaching to the hand of other parties.
E-commerce and security: In e-commerce, the transaction takes place over the network. E-commerce is the ability to do
business online via the internet. The privacy in E-commerce means the protection of privacy of the parties involved in
trading through E-commerce. Transaction security is vital in E-commerce.
The most typical security and privacy threats include phishing and social engineering, personal or card data theft or
misuse, malware, and hacking. Two highly prevalent threats that can adversely impact the personal information of an e-
commerce site visitor are phishing and social engineering attacks.
8 Ways To Protect Ecommerce Customer Data
1. Collect Only Data You Will Use. ...
2. Don't Store Customer Credit Card Information. ...
3. HTTP + SSL = HTTPS. ...
4. Be PCI DSS Compliant. ...
5. Stay Up To Date With Security Patches. ...
6. Watch Out For Fake Apps & Websites. ...
7. Review Who Has Access To What. ...
8. Demand Strong Passwords From Customers.
Fraud: Ecommerce fraud is any type of fraud that occurs on an ecommerce platform. Using a stolen or fake credit card,
using a false identity, and affiliate fraud advertising are all forms of ecommerce fraud
The main motive for the hackers is to steal the personal data of the customers who have logged in or using particular e-
commerce sites. The data is then sold in the black market for money. So, e-commerce sites should assure the safety of
customers from any threats.
Prevention of Fraud:
Make sure your data is backed up regularly. Scan your e-commerce website regularly for malware with
appropriate antivirus/anti-malware solutions. Monitor activities of malicious bots and block them right away to prevent
account takeover attempts and other bot-related threats.